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Selectmen Minutes 04/22/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 22, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; David Paveglio, Building Inspector; Mike Paveglio, Deputy Building Inspector, John Uitts, Deputy Fire Chief; John Martell, Emergency Management Director, and Patrick Clarke, Police Chief

SUBJECT: Capital Area Public Health Network
PRESENT: Wendy Dumais, Concord Hospital  

Ms. Dumais gave a presentation to the Selectmen and Department Heads, explaining the Public Health Emergency Preparedness & Response Plan.  The plan is a collaborative of municipalities and health and human service agencies in the capital area.  There are twenty-three communities in the Concord Hospital service area, Chichester being one of them.   Key elements of the plan are; purpose, situations/assumptions, operations, preparedness, response, recovery and plan maintenance.  Key officials were identified and volunteers were solicited to be available to staff the Capital Area Coordination Center during an emergency.

BI –Mr. Paveglio is able to fill vacancies on the 2008 permit list with those from the 2009 waiting list.  

Chairman DeBold swore in Mr. Paveglio as Building Inspector for another year.

PD –   Chief Clarke asked the Selectmen if they had questions about the cruiser parked in the bay at the Safety Building.  He does not know why the key issue was brought up while he was away.  According to the minutes of the April 8th, 2008, Selectmen’s meeting, Chief Vien gave the impression that the fire department did not have or know of an available key to move the cruiser.  

Chairman DeBold stated he was under the impression the cruiser was only to be parked indoors during the winter months.  

Chief Clarke stated that he had spoken to Chief Vien prior to leaving on vacation and offered to give him a key and suggested a key be hidden in the station.  Chief Vien stated to him neither would be necessary.    

Chief Vien apologized if the minutes reflected badly on the Police Chief and responded he had spoken to Pat about this issue prior to Pat leaving for vacation.

Chairman DeBold stated the impression the Board got from Chief Vien was that a key was not available.

Chief Clarke stated he did not understand the reasoning of parking the new cruiser, with all its new and expensive equipment outside, while an old, seldom used vehicle with much less expensive or enticing equipment is being parked inside.  

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BOS minutes
April 22, 2008

The new cruiser has arrived and is being outfitted.  The Town received $800.00 trade-in for the 2000 Crown Victoria.

Chief Clarke wished to speak to several liability issues identified in the report from the Local Government Center regarding the space needs issue at the Police Department.  The Selectmen have not read the report as yet and deferred discussion on this matter for this evening.

Chief Clarke is putting together a committee to look into the proposed police department expansion listed on the CIP for 2009, along with a long range plan for a Police Station.  Options on the table are, expand the existing space, move to another location in town and renovate that space, build a new station either stand alone or as a municipal complex. Chairman DeBold has offered to be the Selectmen’s representative on this space needs committee.

HYW -  Mr. Kenneally explained to the Board why he called for a tow truck to remove the highway truck from the mud on April 11.  Mr. Kenneally stated that the road was too soft and he did not have 100ft. of cable to pull it out. Mr. Kenneally felt this situation warranted the use of the tow truck.

The highway department has been cutting brush and Mr. Kenneally has been working on the future development needed on Hilliard and Perry Brook Road. He is in the process of obtaining easements from the home owners to widen the rights of way where needed.

The Road Agent would like to sell the three old plows.  Used steel is selling high right now.  The Selectmen okayed this request but asked that all usable parts be removed first.

The old fire tanker is leaking fluids badly.  Mr. Kenneally is not sure if the truck is worth repairing at this point.  

Mr. Kenneally informed the Board he will be off on Thursday and Friday and that Gil and Carol will be off on Friday.  

Selectman MacCleery brought to the Road Agent’s attention that the culvert on Perry Brook Road is in need of some guardrail or barrier.  Mr. Kenneally is aware of the spot and will get the delineator markers back up.  This area has been identified by the Road Advisory Committee as an insufficiency; it is in the road upgrade plan.  

Pike Industries is scheduled for paving Center Road for the second or third week in May.

Chairman DeBold asked the Road Agent if he was planning on sweeping some of the roads and parking lots this year.  Mr. Kenneally responded he has already called the vendor and is on the list for rental use.

Selectman MacCleery asked the Road Agent when the posting of roads would be listed. Mr. Kenneally responded, technically it’s now; the Town legally has thirty days from the posted notice.  

Dave Paveglio commented that the area in front of his house on Lane Road is all broken up along the edge of the pavement for about 100ft.

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BOS minutes
April 22, 2008

FD – The 1971 military vehicle has a blown transmission.  It has only gone on one call.   5th gear is gone, it locks up. Chief Vien submitted documentation on the danger of retrofitting this type of vehicle for fire department use.  Chief Vien is of the opinion that the department should not be using this truck as a forestry vehicle at this point.

The Shaw Fields have been burnt as much as is going to be for this year.  The fields are starting to green up.  Selectman MacCleery suggested perhaps the town could ask somebody to go up and cut the woody growth.    
Chief Vien discussed concerns over a recent call by the department on a burn permit that was issued to the O’Rourke residence on Main Street and concerns over the canceling of calls by the Warden, whom the Chief states has no authority to do so and in some instances, permits are not being issued correctly.   One resident was told he could not have a permit and then the same deputy on the same day, issued a permit to another resident.  Mike Paveglio stated it is the Warden’s decision whether or not permits can be issued, not a deputy’s.  The State issues the type of burning day on a daily basis.  A brief discussion took place regarding Rules of Procedure and the Chain of Command.  The Selectmen will discuss what course of action will be taken.

 Selectman Jordan asked the Chief if these incidents were documented.  The Chief responded yes.  

Chief Vien still has not received his signed paperwork from the State, authorizing him to issue burn permits.  There has been a problem with his paperwork at the State level.   The Board would like this corrected immediately.  They informed the Chief to get the paperwork returned from the State and get the proper paperwork submitted.

The copy of the Briggs burn permit has been removed from the station.  The Chief was not able to confirm the information on the permit prior to this occurring.  A copy of all permits should be kept on file at the station.

Selectman MacCleery asked about the availability for a transmission for the military truck.  Deputy Uitts stated he had just priced one for a truck at the academy for about $8,000.  Selectmen MacCleery asked that a cost be looked into for repair and also if there was time for the town to get this vehicle in the State surplus auction.  The Fire Chief stated his opinion was that the department does not need that truck.  No decision by the Board was made this evening.


Selectman MacCleery reported on his discussion with the service manger from Chappell Tractor regarding the brake repair on the loader.  The manager indicated to him that the brake failure was due to operator error and not a mechanical defect.  The pads were glazed; this is usually a result of the operator riding the brake.  The service manager spoke to the Road agent about the issue and Mr. Kenneally indicated to him that he would speak to his personnel.  The brake repair was taken care of under the warranty.  Selectman MacCleery does not think there is a problem with the machine.  The Board directed Lisa to solicit another buyout amount and process a new check for next week.  

There are already 723 hours on the machine, Selectman MacCleery feels this is a lot and partly due to leaving the machine running in the salt shed.  

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BOS minutes
April 22, 2008

Selectman MacCleery received a request from Dave Dobson, on behalf of the Congregational Church, to allow use of the ball fields at Carpenter Park for the adult softball league.  The Board agreed to allow the use.  Selectman MacCleery will inform Mr. Dobson of the decision.

Chairman DeBold brought forward a junkyard complaint on Staniels Road.  The Board directed Lisa to begin a new complaint for this matter and send a letter out to the homeowner.

A follow-up is needed for an outstanding junkyard complaint on Kelley’s Corner Road.  Lisa will check with the police department on the status and compose a second letter if necessary.

A quote was left for the Board pertaining to the roof repair on the snack shack, from a contractor whose brother is installing the hood vent system in the shack.  The Board agreed to the quote of $875.00, with the stipulation that the BCEP costs for debris removal are not included in the cost from the contractor.

The Board directed Lisa to schedule a meeting with the Fire Chief, Forest Warden and the State Forest Ranger for next week, to discuss the recent incidents reported by Chief Vien.

The Selectmen discussed any outstanding items/issues they would like to finalize.  The Board requested Lisa to send a memo to the Road Agent requesting the status of the complaint from the Cavanaugh’s.

The minutes of April 15, 2008, were approved as written.  

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

Motion Chairman DeBold, second Selectman MacCleery, to adjourn the meeting at 10:12pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    
Administrator                                                                   Approved As Corrected

______________________            _______________________         _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery               Jeffrey Jordan